Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I. Loved. It.

I read this one so fast I have no idea what is happening in the world right now.  I could not put it down.  What a fascinating format - I loved the titles of each section, giving a descriptive of each husband of Hollywood bombshell (part Marilyn Monroe, part Elizabeth Taylor) Evelyn Hugo.  I loved the flashbacks and the parallels in Monique's marriage and Evelyn's.  I loved Evelyn's chutzpah and stories and struggles and TRUTH.  The writing flowed and builds up to a big reveal that we don't really get to sit with for very long when another bombshell (ahem) hits - which if you don't see coming you haven't read it closely enough, sorry.

World famous Evelyn Hugo reaches out to an unknown journalist with the opportunity of a lifetime - to write her biography, no holds barred, no questions unanswered, but on Evelyn's own time and in all the harsh light of what really happened and why.  She is insistent that everything be included and that people understand she is not regretful, she had her reasons.  Monique cannot figure out why Evelyn has picked HER, but she takes the deal, knowing it will make her famous and she can finally be the writer she has always dreamed of being.  

But she will learn that fame, as Evelyn has learned, can come at a devastating price.

And so can full understanding.

There is so much in this book.  The Emerald Green dresses, the friendships, the drama, the Hollywood inside stories, the wheeling and dealing, the marriages of course, the fakeness and acting and misleading and oh, the PRESS!!!!  Loved the little snippets from the rag pages of early Hollywood, it made me think of how the press can make or break a career based on what they see, or what they want to see.  So much manipulation, both to stay famous and to stay sympathetic.  Evelyn schemes her way to fame, and schemes her way to stay there, and is unapologetic about her methods.  She'd do it all again, because everything she did, she did for those she loved.  And when Evelyn loves, she loves ALL THE WAY.

I read this over a weekend and I know I am a bit late to the party, but I loved this story.  I sort of felt like Monique could have stayed put at the end if you know what I mean, not to change anything but just to be there.  Her respect for, admiration of, and shock at Evelyn's actions lead to a strange relationship.  But, I don't think it could have ended any other way.

Evelyn wouldn't have it.

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