Friday, July 1, 2022

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz

 Life Expectancy

I am a huge Dean Koontz fan.  I have read about half of his books (he is prolific!!) and he has his OWN shelf in my library.  Only Diana Gabaldon is also afforded that honor, and we know how I feel about her.  (Right?  If not, I have done something wrong here  #obsessanach).

I found this treasure for a dollar at my local used bookshop, The Book Lady in Monroe NC.  (I moved last year, but don't worry The Book Rack in South Charlotte, I am coming for YOU tomorrow!)  I knew I had read it before - who can forget a name like Punchinello Beezo???  But I could not remember exactly what happened in this story of predictions, life, coincidences, dread, hilarity, and clowns.

That's right.  Clowns.  Don't read this one, Ashley. 

Jimmy Tock is born on a stormy night, the same night his grandfather dies in the same hospital where Jimmy is born.  The same night Punchinello Beezo is born, and the same night Punchinello's father goes on a shooting rampage in that same hospital.  The same night that, before he goes, Jimmy's dying Granddaddy sits up with some astonishing words:  "Five days.  Five Terrible Days."  He then proceeds to shout out five specific dates on which Jimmy will have Terrible Days.

And so the waiting and the dreading begin.

Most of all, though, this is a mad caper of hilarity and punchy dialogue and deadpan jokes.  Koontz is a master at taking something terrifying and making it common and normal and yes, laugh out loud funny.  A wonderfully poignant ending, full circle, and some of the best banter since Doris and Rock.  This is not a horror novel.  It is fast paced and crazy and funny and fun with a super twist near the end.  Yes, there are guns involved, but there is also a library and love and babies - and hope.  I highly recommend this one - no supernatural stuff really, which you can find in many of Koontz's works.  This is a stand alone, and so so good.  Enjoy!

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