Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley


I read this in one day.

WHOA!!!  What a ride!  I enjoyed Foley's book The Guest List on audiobook and was wavering on this one until my mom lent it to me and said it was a good one.  A bit dark, a lot mysterious, an unexplained disappearance and so many secrets and reveals!!!

Like The Guest List, Foley gives us several points of view in this story.  Confusing at first, but oh boy does it ever come together.  Family drama, siblings who think they know each other and have we mentioned Paris yet?  Oui, mon amis, tres bien!

(That's all I've got after two years of French in college, which was a hot minute ago...but I digress.)

I started taking notes while I read on most of my books this year, and my notes for this one contain mostly questions that begin with WHY is that happening and WHY did that character do THAT. And one of the best quotes: "Women deserve a chance at a new life."  Quite the deep theme here really.

So, we have a Melrose Place type setting in Paris - a gated apartment house where the residents each have their own eccentricities.  Except in at least two cases it is not really eccentricity as much as life trauma.  Jess comes to stay with her brother, who is not in his apartment when she arrives even though she just spoke to him.  None of the residents seem to know where he is but they obviously knew him and she begins to worry, to snoop, to suspect that SOMETHING is not right here.  

Ya think????

How Foley pulls it all together kept my eyes on the page for an entire rainy day at the beach this summer.  I have never been so thankful for rain.

If you are looking for a fast paced, dysfunctional family thriller, this is your jam.  Is there redemption in the end?  I'll say.  But you'll never see it coming.  Love it.

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