Friday, October 9, 2020

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

In the interest of not giving TOO many five stars, this one is a solid four, four and a half. Which means I really liked it!!! (So much pressure with these stars, y'all.....) Reminiscent of a Lianne Moriarty but confined to one family.

My friend Kim (thanks for the lend!) stated it best when she told me, "If you like This is Us, you'll like this book." SO TRUE!! The author takes one year in the life of a family of six and then delves back in time in a zig zag to fill in the blanks for the reader. Four sisters with two parents who are madly truly deeply sickeningly in love survive secrets big and small, imagined and never dreamed of, unthinkable and totally relatable. Each sister has her own personality but I definitely felt Wendy, the oldest, was the most fleshed out, and the wildest yet most stable of the bunch, followed by her Irish twin Violet, whom I did not find very likable. Liza gets kind of lost in the middle, and Gracie, well, typical youngest child really - but I would read another book just about Gracie! And of course each sister has her own way of trying to emulate her parents' perfect pairing. It's a lot of stress!!!

Anyway, a great read, kept me interested even with all the plot twists and sisterly arguing and family love and OH THE DRAMA!!! But the drama is not overdone, even if you do wonder if any family has this much going on (they do, I assure you, you just don't hear about it on Facebook, duh). Each sister has her own "THING" going on, and the introduction of a new family member (or two) shakes things up big time. Past losses are revealed, current lies unearthed, and one huge health event later, we have ourselves a novel just waiting for the big screen. Different chapters focus on the backstories of the different sisters, but I could see the whole thing being told from Wendy's point of view, or maybe even from David's (the Dad). And the best part of all, the Title of the book is, well, the most fun I ever had with a title reveal. ;-)

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