Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Antidote for Everything by Kimmery Martin

The Antidote For Everything by Kimmery Martin

In Martin's second novel, she really brings her A game.  (A for Antidote???  Ha!)  And yes, there really is an Antidote for Everything - and yes, Kimmery, I agree, whole heartedly, with your prescription!  The title of this book takes on a whole new and introspective view once you finish the novel - I loved how it wrapped literally everything together - for life.

Dr. Georgia Brown (a secondary character from Martin's first novel The Queen of Hearts) and her bestest best friend EVAH, Dr. Jonah Tsukada, live and work in sunny Charleston SC.  When Jonah gets into trouble with his job, Georgia pulls out all the stops to help him, but ends up complicating matters.  That is a very broad description, since this story does get into some serious issues - discrimination in both employment and rights of service; abuse of body by self and by others; secrets held and secrets told; and best of all and once again, the depth of friendship and loyalty. 

Martin is a doctor herself, so she definitely knows of what she writes.  Calling this medical fiction is only a partial description though - she delves into all the issues above with seeming ease and melds them seamlessly into a fantastic and complicated story.  And her humor is injected (a-hem) throughout to much delight - this woman can flat out write great banter, which I have said before is the hardest thing (imho) to do - good dialogue.  Martin nails it.  I love the relationship between Georgia and Jonah - they love each other and are vulnerable with each other and also speak truth to each other.  Rare.  (Plus Jonah is hilarious.)  She also adds realism to this drama by including insight into things like how doctors feel during the delivery of good news to an anxious family.  And writes some beautifully descriptive sentences (an idea blooming like a flower; an angry rain; the debilitating loneliness of being alone...).

Throw in a secondary love story and a few medical crises and we have us a humdinger of a story.  Lots going on here - can't wait to discuss with my Bookworms (that is a term of endearment for my book club) - I just had to take off about a dozen sticky notes with my exclamations about sentences or plot or humor out of the book so I could lend it to my neighbor. 

But - I must disagree with her on one thing - when they make this into a movie (and I hope they will!), Georgia Brown should TOTALLY be played by Emma Stone (sorry, Reese)!  Oh, you haven't read Martin's blog?  Or her interview with PJ Vernon?  GET ON WITH IT!  Kimmery Martin also writes great book reviews, so check out her blog.  And then await alongside me for her third novel - you won't believe its subject or how long Kimmery has been working on it.  Just proves how brilliant she really is.  Well done, Ms. Martin, well done.  I can hardly wait to see what the Third Cover looks like!!!

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