Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Camino Island by John Grisham

Now THIS is some serious storytelling.

Maybe it is because I just met John Grisham at Sally's store, where he made small talk about my name and signed my copy of the book and then later recorded a podcast conversation with John Hart about writing styles and their next books, etc., that I witnessed.  I was still on cloud 9 from that experience when I read this book.  So I really heard Grisham's voice in this book since I was thinking of the writer as I read what he wrote.  Make sense??

The cool thing in this story is there is no mystery.  You know from the start who stole what and who got caught.  What you don't know is who else may or may not become involved.  So there is a lot of backstory and narration here, which I really enjoyed.  You can argue that at least two characters are the "main" character - it is shared I think.  And I do love a book about a book seller/writer/fellow reader.  Grisham throws in a lot of insider information about the world of books (and one hilarious comment about lawyers!!!).  He even shares his own voice with MC1 (Main Character 1) Bookseller Bruce when he reveals the rules of writing - these are actually Grisham's own rules and habits in writing his own books (tune in to Grisham's podcast series to find out how Hart writes HIS books - they are polar opposites but apparently good friends!!).

A really good, fun and easy read - a bit of intrigue as MC2 Mercer tries with varying degrees of success to spy on MC1 Bruce (she's a writer not a spy), and some great small town politics and dinner parties on Florida's Camino Island where Mercer grew up and Bruce settled down.  Throw in some priceless stolen F Scott Fitzgerald original manuscripts, one desperate insurance company,  several writers with writer's block but strong opinions, a successful local bookstore, two desperate thieves and a whole lot of money, and  you've got yourself one helluva mess.  This is not a typical Grisham novel, nary a courtroom in site, and I liked it that way.  Encore Mr. Grisham!!!!!

And thank you for signing my book!

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