Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time, #1)

Fun fantasy read! I finally read this in prep for the TV series after my cousin Pam recommended it years ago. I enjoyed it, I watched the show pretty much at the same time (while yelling, "that's NOT in the book" galore! haha), and thought they were both pretty good. I do like a good fantasy novel, and yes this one takes a lot of plotpoints from The Lord of the Rings, so astute readers/fans will see right through that. 

But the addition of a female magi makes it worth it. Women definitely have The Power here, which is a different take in fantasy a la Terry Goodkind's Wizards First Rule if I remember correctly. But luckily for me this book was not nearly as violent or graphic as Goodkind's.  There is definitely some violence and killing as per the times, but I did not find it graphic.  And the whole spin on women yielding power, both at the high level and in the villages with the Wisdom always at odds with the Village Council is a great refreshing take.  

Our hero is still the unsuspecting farm boy, but his two friends have their own journeys to go on and provide some interesting side stories that I am sure will come to full fruition later down the line, so they are not gratuitous characters.   I also look forward to finding out just how much his friend (??) Egwene and the Wisdom Nynaeve and of course our fearless leader Moiriane (she of the Power) and her Warder/protector, Lan, really do come into the whole prophecy and future of this world.  I loved the TV show's rendition of Loial, his slow and purposeful speech and history and of course, song.  One of the best phrases our hero Rand hears from a seer (another woman!) is regarding his relationship with his friendgirl Egwene:  “She’s not for you, nor you for her; at least, not in the way you both want.”  The Lore is strong, indeed!

I will eventually pick up the next book I think, but this one at 800 pages was such an investment I think I need a break. It was a bit long with all the travelling and innkeeper meeting and monster avoidance. Which means I probably won't remember all the characters' names and all the events, etc, but that is ok. There is always the TV show! Not to mention the very helpful glossary at the end of the book! Probably really three and a half stars, but I am a sucker for a huge fantasy world build (with MAPS!!)

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